Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

If your order is more than CAD$75 your shipment is free!

For Canada and the US it is a flat rate of CAD$7 or US$10.

In other cases you will get the best options for shipment to select from.

We use Stripe for major credit cards and Paypal payments.

Regular mail generaly takes 4 to 10 business days from the day it is shipped.

Yes! We use ssl certificates for our website and your payments are secure as we use the Stripe and Paypal highly secure payment software.

I will reply to you through emails with a new order number or any other important information about your status while your jewelry is being made. If it is ready you will get a shipping tracking number usually the same day. And of course if you need more information you can always contact me by email with your order number at [email protected]

Send us an email

[email protected]